720.290.3252 cori@keetonpr.com
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dbSignals: Time & Place Case Study

Faced with some last-minute availability for a few properties in Time & Place’s luxury vacation rental portfolio, the company’s marketing director had a near-instant solution ready to deploy. It was dbSignals, a new marketing automation software that leverages...

dbSignals: MSS Case Study

Rachel Albaugh powers her inbound and outbound marketing program for management consulting firm MSS with dbSignals, a cloud-based multi-channel campaign design and database platform that she calls “a marketer’s dream” for how easy it is to learn and customize. To...

dbSignals: Cloud Wrangler Case Study

For cloud service provider Cloud Wrangler, dbSignals is a winning double play: a cloud-based technology solution that fits nicely with the other technology solutions the company offers its clients and a fully integrated database marketing system to boost its in-house...

It’s A New Era: Marketing Automation For All

It used to be that marketing automation – a valuable marketing tool that can help turn leads into sales – was a luxury available only to big companies with big budgets and a technical team to design and implement campaigns. But those days are over. Today, businesses...